Pure ascorbic acid derived from non-GMO cassava root
About this product
These are far from a money-maker for us, they're bare bones. But there's a reason we do them for so little...
Vitamin C is by far the most powerful medicine you can take and we want everyone to know the power in this incredible vitamin! If you aren't well versed in C, here's a rundown.
If you prefer to just read headings, please scroll down and read the first line in each section!
Take it in capsule form, take it in liquid, inject it, nebulise's pretty versatile. But the power is in the dose!
**Just because most people only look at the first few lines,let's say this here and later:
PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH CALCIUM ASCORBATE! (Ester-C)** (Read on to find out why)
_______________ DOSAGE_________________
Take a large initial dose (recommended is 3-4 capsules in one dose), then 1 capsule every 20-30 mins until well.
I have heard far too many people say "I took some and it didn't work".
99% of the time it 'didn't work'...because enough wasn't taken!
Food sourced C is wonderful for every day use. But if coming down with something, just knock back a small fistful of these.
A daily average of 12'000mg daily - that's 12 capsules on a regular day, is taken by some of the most reputable informed names on the subject.
Those with serious conditions can easily take 150'000mg daily (150 capsules) and not hit bowel tolerance. The body will simply use what it needs.
The idea is that you keep your levels high, so you start with a good dose (4000-6000mg depending on your body size, perhaps just 2000-3000 for smaller kids. Then you top up with 1000mg or so every 20-30 minutes.
"My child can't swallow capsules"
Yes they can. If they can swallow food - they can swallow capsules. Teaching them how is easy...put it on their tongue and have a tasty drink ready. Gently push it enough that it can just slip back then tell them to take a sip of their drink.
Some people take one every 2 hours. That is not enough even for a cold. It might help, but it won't blast it out. We deal with colds here in 3-4 hours - assuming we are well behaved and follow through with protocol!
_______________ SAFETY_________________
Vitamin C is about the safest thing you can take. Read on.
There are myths floating around the internet that high dose vit C can induce early labour or cause kidney issues. These are myths and lies that keep people from better health.
Suzanne Humphreys, a renal specialist, has been teaching for a long time that it is not only safe but very beneficial for people with kidney issues.
High dose C has been proven to support carrying a pregnancy to full-term and then promoting less bleeding and faster recovery post-birth.
_______________ SOURCES_________________
Take ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate. Liposomal C from a reputable source is awesome but very spendy.
Most ascorbic acid is from Chinese GMO corn - which many folk rightfully want to steer clear of.
Ours is only sourced from non-GMO African cassava root, which is why it costs a little more than other options.
Why not to take calcium ascorbate? Well that's a whole other topic in itself.
But in a nutshell:
Synthetic calcium supplements are #2 on our list of *do not touch* after 'vitamin' D (it's a steroid hormone...NOT a vitamin). You will never find those items for sale here!
Synthetic calcium is inorganic calcium that means it is not in a form the body can use. Taking it can lead to arterial hardening, osteoporosis, bone spurs, vascular hardening, osteoclasts (holes in bones), etc. Your body can only assimilate organic calcium - from raw foods, such as dairy, fruit, etc.
Please look at the ingredients in your multi vitamins or C supplements and throw away any that contain hormone D (rat poison) or non-food sourced calcium! Your body will thank you later.
__________ ESSENTIAL READING____________
Anything by the great Suzanne Humphries
'Curing the incurable' by Thomas E Levy. This book is mindblowing. The near-miraculous healings he and Dr Christopher It's a short and easy read and worth the few $ to have on your shelf.
The works of Linus Pauling - he has masses of incredible work out there at the Linus Pauling institute!
Even just scratching the surface would be very, very beneficial for everyone who puts in the smallest amount of effort.